nik. 31. they/them. i draw characters a bunch.


Shaded grayscale character portraits with a gray background.Grayscale Half-body - $28 base
+ another character: +$26
+ extras (props, ornate clothing and armor, weaponry, patterns): +$12

Grayscale Headshot - $18 base
+ another character: +16
+ extras (headpieces, tattoos, etc): +$8


Fully colored character portraits with a solid color background of your choice.Colored Half-body - $42 base
+ another character: +$38
+ extras (props, ornate clothing and armor, weaponry, patterns): +$12

Color Headshot - $32 base
+ another character: +$28
+ extras (headpieces, tattoos, etc): +$8


Read more to see my terms and conditions, as well as where and how to commission me.


These slots are for shaded grayscale character portraits (headshots or half-bodies) with a gray background.Grayscale Half-body - $28 base
+ another character: +$26
+ extras (props, ornate clothing and armor, weaponry, patterns): +$12

Grayscale Headshot - $18 base
+ another character: +16
+ extras (headpieces, tattoos, etc): +$8
Upon requesting, please tell me your specifications or requirements for the following, and provide references wherever possible:
- General appearance
- Basic stats (fantasy race, age/age range)
- Other special features (if any)
- Facial expression and/or pose


These slots are for fully colored character portraits (headshots or half-bodies) with a solid color background of your choice.Colored Half-body - $42 base
+ another character: +$38
+ extras (props, ornate clothing and armor, weaponry, patterns): +$12

Color Headshot - $32 base
+ another character: +$28
+ extras (headpieces, tattoos, etc): +$8
Upon requesting, please tell me your specifications or requirements for the following, and provide references wherever possible:
- General appearance
- Basic stats (fantasy race, age/age range)
- Other special features (if any)
- Facial expression and/or pose


I take commissions through the following channels:- Artists & Clients (all payments and messaging go through the site's own systems)
- Ko-fi (all payments and messaging go through the site's own systems)
- Discord (usually for direct/private commissions; I only give my handle to previous clients from any of the above sites or to people referred to me by previous clients)

I. GENERAL1. By commissioning me, you agree to these terms and conditions.
2. I will draw your original characters but will stay true to my art style and decline requests to change how something looks if only to match another style.
3. I reserve the right to decline a commission if I feel it is a) beyond what I am offering, b) beyond my capabilities as an artist, or c) breaching certain boundaries regarding what I am and am not willing to portray in art.
4. With regard to the previous item, be informed that I will not be accepting pieces that involve: sexual content of any nature, overtly religious, violent, or political content, and hateful content of any kind. I am also not inclined to accept art featuring animals, furries, mecha, complicated machinery, and backgrounds.
5. These terms are subject to change over time.
II. ORDERING1. For direct and private commissions, all discussions will be held through direct messaging on Discord. If you have commissioned me over Artists & Clients or Ko-fi then discussions, payment, and file-sharing will all be held there.
2. When requesting, please provide what is asked for right away: clear, concise descriptions, as well as images for the character, poses, clothing, etc.
3. An invoice will only be sent once all details are clear for both parties. If you have commissioned me over Artists & Clients or Ko-fi, payment will be made through the site; there will be no invoices.
III. FEES & PAYMENT1. All payments will be made through Paypal (unless your commission is being made on Artists & Clients or Ko-fi, which have their own payment systems).
2. Commissions are subject to additional fees depending on added detail or characters, subject difficulty, and design complexity. These will reflect as separate items within the invoice.
3. Invoices are due 2 days within receiving them. I will no longer work on anything beyond the initial WIP should the invoice remain unpaid past the deadline, and at this point, the commission is considered cancelled.
IV. COMMISSION PROCESS1. After the invoice is sent, regardless of whether or not it has been paid, I will be creating a rough WIP or pose draft. Only after the invoice is paid will I continue working on the piece.
2. All further discussion, revisions, and file-sharing will be made through direct messaging on Discord. The final piece will be sent there as well.
3. A regular commission (one character only; average level of detail) should take 8-10 days to complete. This period will extend depending on any additional requests by the other party, which should be settled before the invoice is sent. Discussions on commissions made through Artists & Clients and Ko-fi will be held in their respective sites.
V. IMAGE RIGHTS1. As the artist, I retain all rights to the artwork and, thus, reserve the right to repost these in my social media. Please let me know if you are not comfortable with having it posted.
2. These pieces are for personal and not commercial use. If you are planning on using them for the latter, please mention this and discuss this with me first.
3. If you intend to put it up somewhere, please credit me using my main online handle (nikdoodles on Artstation & Ko-fi).
Thank you for reading through my terms! Happy commissioning!